Sydney Eye Clinic

Emerging Issues with Children Myopia Condition: Sydney Eye Clinic

Myopia, often known as short-sightedness, is on track to overtake cataracts as the primary cause of irreversible blindness throughout the globe. It is anticipated that by the year 2050, around fifty percent of the world’s population would be afflicted, with approximately ten percent of those affected having the severe type.

Sydney Eye Clinic reported this trend is a significant problem since early onset of myopia in children can lead to more severe cases of the condition later in life.

Myopia in its most severe form, often known as extreme myopia, has been linked to a number of eye diseases that might endanger a person’s vision. It is anticipated that more than fifty percent of people living in Australia will have myopic vision by the year 2050. 

The situation will be the same in Australia. It is strongly recommended that parents educate themselves about myopia and the preventative measures they may take to lessen the likelihood that their kid will acquire the disease.

We have taken due diligence to publish articles such as this to help you live a healthy life. Our Personal Eye doctors are professionals who create medium for eye health through laser vision correction, various laser treatment and surgeries in New South Wales and the rest of Australia. 

Eye patients have been choosing eye drops, intravitreal injections, and surgeries such as pterygium surgery, LASIK surgery and other latest technology for eye conditions. we hope that you will find this post about myopia in children written by our refractive surgeons, resourceful.

Sydney Eye Clinic

What exactly is myopia in children?

Myopia is a form of refractive error that happens when the shape of the eyeball causes light rays to focus in front of the retina, rather than directly on it. This results in blurry vision.

The end effect is vision at a distance that is fuzzy and out of focus. Myopic eyes tend to be noticeably longer and more elongated than those of those who do not have the condition. 

Myopia is referred to as “child myopia” when it occurs in a person who is under the age of 18, i.e., while they are still in school. Because of this, the condition is also referred to as “school myopia” at times. The diagnosis of myopia in children most frequently occurs during childhood.

What are the causes of myopia in children?

Every Children has a chance of having myopia at some point throughout their lives. Children who live in metropolitan surroundings and children who have first-degree relatives who have myopia have a significantly increased risk of having the condition themselves.

It is also greater in several ethnic groups, particularly in people of East Asian descent. Children who have parents who suffer from short-sightedness have a significantly increased chance of developing the condition themselves. 

Your child’s chance of developing myopia can also be increased by variables related to their lifestyle, such as: insufficient time spent outside; lack of exposure to natural sunshine; extended amounts of time spent concentrating on near-vision activities, such as reading or using electronic devices.

What are the dangers over the long term?

Myopia, especially in its lesser variants, normally does not pose a substantial risk to your child’s long-term health. On the other hand, the problem is frequently progressive, which means that it gets worse over time as the eye continues to develop and mature. This encompasses the time during puberty, which is characterised by fast physical growth.

High myopia is the most severe type of the eye condition. A high degree of myopia is linked to an increased likelihood of acquiring major eye problems later in life, such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, and myopic macular degeneration. 

Sydney Eye Clinic

Can myopia in children be treated or cured?

Myopia in children is permanent; however, there are therapies available that can restore a child’s ability to see in the distance, such as wearing glasses or contact lenses. On the other hand, these do not prevent myopia from progressing further. Because children’s eyes continue to develop into early adulthood, corrective eye surgery for children, such as laser eye surgery, is not typically suggested.

Alternately, corneal-reshaping contact lenses and specialised multifocal lenses (glasses or contact lenses) have been proven to halt the advancement of the disorder. Both of these types of lenses are available (orthokeratology or Ortho-K). 

The corneal surface can be temporarily reshaped with the use of Ortho-K lenses, which are worn at night and removed in the morning to prevent the need for corrective eyewear during the day.

Several significant clinical trials have demonstrated that administering a modest dosage of atropine (0.01%), at the rate of one drop per day, is helpful in preventing or slowing the progression of myopia. After the age of 18, your child’s eyes will normally stabilise, at which point laser eye surgery may be explored for vision correction.

Even though vision correction surgery could eliminate the need for corrective glasses or contact lenses, there is still a lifetime risk of developing sight-threatening problems.

Can myopia in children be avoided by any means?

You may lessen the likelihood that your kid will acquire myopia by reducing the amount of time they spend engaging in activities that require close vision, such as reading or using electronic devices. Additionally, children should spend a significant amount of time outside, preferably twice every day.

Increased blood levels of vitamin D, which is essential for supporting healthy bone and muscular health, is one of the additional health benefits that this has to offer in addition to its other positive effects. 

Early identification offers the best chance for children who have already developed myopia to slow down its growth and reduce the risk of major consequences later in life. This is especially true for children who are diagnosed with myopia at a younger age.

An optometrist should do a vision exam on a child before they start school, and then on a consistent basis at regular intervals of every two years after that. If it is determined that the myopia is getting worse, it is critical to have a conversation about the many methods in which further progression might be avoided.

What about Children With both short-sightedness and Farsightedness?

The condition known as astigmatism causes vision to be distorted because the cornea of the eye is not curved normally. Astigmatism is another prevalent kind of refractive error, and it is more likely to occur in children whose primary refractive defect is myopia. Both short-sightedness and farsightedness can be corrected using eyewear such as glasses or contact lenses.


If you are having any question or inquiry about how to have a correct vision, cataract surgery, Laser eye surgery, laser vision correction, diabetic retinopathy, franzco medical retina, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, normally clear lens, vision loss, retinal conditions, short sightedness, – you should get in touch with us via our Personal Eyes website to book your free assessment today.

Consider the factors outlined in this blog post, weigh the pros and cons, and most importantly, consult with a Sydney cataract surgeon at Personal Eyes before making the final decision.

More to read: What to Know About LASIK Consultation and Some FAQs on Its Surgery


What to Know About LASIK Consultation and Some FAQs on Its Surgery

The first step in having LASIK eye surgery done is to have a consultation for the procedure. The vast majority of laser doctors, including the highly trained staff at Personal eyes, provide free LASIK surgery consultations. 

As a result, during a consultation, you are not only able to learn more about the eye surgery lasik treatment but also determine whether or not you are a candidate for it. You should plan on spending somewhere between two and three hours on the consultation in total. 

During this extensive consultation, we will determine whether or not you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery (LASIK).

In return, the LASIK eye surgeon who performs the procedure in Roslyn will obtain crucial information on the overall health of your eyes. These particulars are essential in order to carry out your individualised surgical procedure. So, what should you anticipate when you go in for a LASIK surgery consultation?

1. An Examination of Your Past Medical Records

Reviewing your medical history is the first thing that will be done during a LASIK eye surgery consultation. In this regard, your LASIK eye surgeon will consult with you and ask you certain questions. It is important that you discuss the medical history of both you and your family in an open and honest manner.

It is essential due to the fact that LASIK eye surgery cannot be performed on patients suffering from certain disorders. In the event that you suffer from any of these issues, your LASIK eye surgeon may suggest other procedures instead. These corrective measures can take the form of contact lenses, spectacles, or even other refractive procedures.

In addition, you are required to inform your LASIK eye surgeon of any medications you are now taking or have previously used. Please include this information in your disclosure if you intend to take any other medications. 

There are a few medications that should be avoided if you want your eye surgery on LASIK or healing process to go smoothly. Your LASIK eye surgeon will provide you with appropriate guidance in this regard.

2. A Thorough Evaluation of the Eyes

The subsequent step will consist of a thorough examination of the eyes. It will be very much like any other eye exam that you have ever had before. Your eyesight will be evaluated by your LASIK eye surgeon to establish whether or not it is stable enough to provide correct results. 

Your vision as well as your overall eye health will be evaluated by him/her. The following are some examples of tests that might be performed by your surgeon:

  • A typical examination of one’s eyesight
  • determining the thickness of the cornea
  • Refraction in order to ascertain the prescription and the required amount of correction
  • Eye pressure
  • Pupil dilation
  • Ultrasound pachymetry for the purpose of determining the thickness of the cornea
  • Examining the crease of your eyelid
  • Digital imaging
  • Examination of tear films

3. Creating a Map of Your Cornea

Following this step, your LASIK eye surgeon will carry out a corneal topography, which will involve the complete mapping of the surface of your eye. Your surgeon will get the vital data he or she needs to programme the laser while the procedure is being performed thanks to this. 

This step is highly significant since it helps customise the laser that will be used to reshape your cornea later. Your candidature for eye surgery with LASIK will also be determined by the precise measurements of your cornea’s thickness and shape.

4. Discussion Regarding the LASIK Procedure

Your surgeon will describe the entire eye surgery on LASIK to you when the comprehensive exam has been completed. Your surgeon will go over the necessary steps for you to take in order to get ready for the operation, such as telling you when to stop taking medications or removing your contact lenses.

In addition, you will talk about the day of your LASIK eye surgery, including what to bring with you and what to anticipate from the procedure. Your aftercare is going to be discussed as well. In addition to these topics, we will also talk about the costs and hazards associated with laser eye treatment.

5. Making Inquiries 

After enough clarification, you can ask questions or express your concerns. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get answers concerning the eye surgery with LASIK or any of the topics that were covered earlier. You could ask queries like:

  • Are your findings guaranteed to be successful?
  • Is it necessary to schedule a second operation?
  • During the course of rehabilitation, should I avoid doing anything in particular?

FAQs on LASIK Surgery

When will I be able to go back to work and get back to my normal routine?

In most cases, patients are able to go back to work and continue their regular activities the day after surgery. During the first week after laser eye treatment, you should avoid putting your eyes in situations where they could be exposed to water, such as swimming pools, hot tubs, the ocean, or even severe perspiration. After surgery, patients should stay away from dusty settings and avoid using eye makeup for the first 48 hours.

Is it safe to get LASIK?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledges that eye surgery with LASIK is both effective and risk-free. The operation is carried out by utilising a calming beam of laser light that is quite exact. There are a great number of vital preventative measures in place to lower the probability of errors occuring during LASIK surgery. As is the case with any surgical operation, there is always the possibility of undesirable complications and hazards.

Does the process cause any discomfort?

The majority of patients report minimal to no pain throughout their LASIK eye surgery. During the process, you will sleep well knowing that you are in good hands. Eye drops containing an anaesthetic are usually all that is necessary to alleviate any discomfort. Some individuals have reported experiencing a minor burning sensation, but it typically disappears by the next morning.

What kinds of outcomes should I anticipate?

The purpose of surgery is to lessen your reliance on corrective lenses such as glasses or contacts. Many individuals report having achieved 20/20 eyesight after LASIK eye surgery. The majority of people are able to pass a driving test without the use of corrective lenses.

How does LASIK work?

In the surgical treatment known as laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK), a cool beam of laser light is used to reshape the cornea. LASIK is an acronym for laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis. Depending on the condition that needs to be treated, very small pieces of corneal tissue may be removed in order to either smooth the cornea, flatten the cornea, or steepen the cornea. In the United States, laser eye treatment or surgery, often known as LASIK, has emerged as one of the most sought-after forms of elective surgical treatment in recent years.

LASIK is a surgery that requires only a small amount of tissue to be removed and has a high success rate. If you are considering having LASIK surgery done on your eyes, you should consult with an experienced LASIK eye surgeon beforehand. Contact us at Personal Eyes to take advantage of our no-cost, no-obligation Virtual LASIK consultation.


If you are having any question or inquiry about how to have a correct vision, Laser eye surgery, Corneal tissue problems, Lasik surgery, laser beam in healing process, excimer laser usage, refractive eye surgery, laser treatment, laser suite, contact sports, the surgical procedure for refractive surgery or Lasik laser eye surgery – you should get in touch with us via our Personal Eyes website to book your free assessment today.